Thursday, April 28, 2005

There is one in every crowd

Japan 1998, originally uploaded by g4st.

Deer were roaming free in this Japanese city. The young ones were up and giddy, chasing handfulls of graham crackers we held. The elders kept to themselves.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Blessed cycle of harmony and balance in nature.

Orcas Island 2003, originally uploaded by g4st.

The warmth eminating from the grassy mountainside encircled me like the breath of an angel. The brisk thin air annointed me with the welcoming kiss of relief.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Something in the way

Japan 1998, originally uploaded by g4st.

"Its okay to eat fish beacuse they don't have any feelings."Curt Cobain. I can certainly appreciate taking a stand against the cruelty and brutality involved in the slaughter of animals for consumption. Where do we draw the line on what is considered a living thing? Fine lines betwixed with grey areas portray a portrait of confusion. The muddled illusion of a righteous position lead me to question the nature of this militant decision.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Natural wisdom

Central Park Tree, originally uploaded by g4st.

The patterns of nature represent fundamental systems which hold universal constants. Seeds hold potential. Trees are a pure representation of growth